Friday, November 21, 2008


last week the russian and i were in hawaii. i had to (had to, riiiight...) attend a conference for work, and so we spent 5 days at the hilton hawaiian village in waikiki.

i had planned to write every night while i was there, but the internet was $15+ per day, and my job had already spent $2000 to send me there - i wasn't sure i could justify another $75 on internet. especially since i had brought the russian along for the ride, and while they weren't paying for him directly, he was still benefiting.

but i digress.

actually, maybe i don't. i have neither the time nor the motivation to tell you the details of my trip at the moment.

suffice it to say that the ocean was warm, the beer was cold, and the views were lovely.

more later...

pS - one other thing...
i hate the fact that spending 5 days at the hilton means that i am in some way (however indirectly) responsible for horse-shit like this...

bleeeehhh :(

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