Wednesday, July 8, 2009

a martha-stewart kind of weekend...

last weekend i caught the crafty-1950's-housewife bug, and all of a sudden i was pinning and stitching, chopping and grilling, wearing an apron and whipping up dishes like the atomic bomb was on it's way. i even hosted my sister and sears for 4th of July fun in the evening.

here are some pictures of selected weekend projects...

mushroom-swiss buffalo burgers

strawberry shortcake
(i only made the compote. angels food mini bundt cakes are a little out of my league...)

i have officially dubbed my sangria *best on the west coast* (humble, i know.)
and YES, that is fresh grown basil from my patio garden as garnish. thank you for noticing.

two-hour tote bag
(my name for it. the book suggested *one-hour*, but obviously that's just crazy talk. i had to make
handles, for fuck's sake!)
the bag is a birthday gift. here's to hoping the recipient isn't one of my 4 readers.

pS - i've been totally useless since then. house-wifing is exhausting!


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Martha would be proud. You deserve a rest, whew!

Unknown said...

Okay, if you're sangria is good, you have to share a recipe. My trips to Barcelona ( )have me jonesing sangria all hours of the day/night.